The Best Built Wood Brick Pizza Oven On The Planet!
That may be a bold statement, but we invite you to look inside the dome and see for yourself!
If you compare Californo wood fired ovens with other ovens on the planet, you’ll soon recognize that Californo is the best built wood fired oven on the planet and that fit and finish are second to none! But there’s a lot more to Californo wood fired ovens than meets the eye…

Since 2005 and always US made.
DID YOU KNOW? A dome is a structural element of architecture that resembles the hollow upper half of a sphere. Dome structures made of various materials have a long architectural lineage extending into prehistory.
THE TRUE DOME! So, why do you want to know that before buying your wood brick oven? Back in the days, there must have been a reason why people used to build their ovens as a DOME Shape. one of the reasons is that the only way to achieve the true heat distribution in your wood fired oven is by building it out of a dome shape. Already (back at the days) building a dome structure was a challenge, today it's seems still a challenge for most other oven manufacturers but not for Californo and that's why you'll see a lot of ovens out there that were designed to ease the manufacturing. We at Californo, The Ultimate Wood Fired Oven. always want to deliver the best and that's why we challenged our selves to deliver the real true pizza oven dome.