You’ve taken the time to find the best firewood to use in your wood-fired oven Great! But what do you do with it until it’s time to use it? When it comes to firewood, proper storage is key. Even the best firewood will fail unless it’s stored properly and kept dry.
Firewood sheds are the best way to store your firewood. They are essential for keeping your wood dry. You can easily build your own firewood shed in any size you desire so that it works with your outdoor space! Here are some things to keep in mind when making your own firewood shed.
Where Should You Build Your Firewood Shed?
Even the best firewood won’t work unless it’s kept properly dry.
If you plan on using the firewood primarily for cooking, build your shed close to your oven – but not too close! However, if you plan on using firewood as the main fuel for heating your home during the winter months, then you might want to consider building your shed closer to your home.
* PRO-TIP: A lean-to build is a popular choice for building firewood sheds right next to the back or side door of your home.
What Materials Should You Use?
Teak is a great rot-resistant wood to use for outdoor projects.
Your firewood shed needs to be weather resistant. As such, when choosing the materials for your firewood shed, it is important to consider what woods are most resistant to rot and what finishes can be used to preserve your building materials. Alternatively, consider using synthetic materials to build your firewood shed, such as PVC and wood-plastic composites. Some synthetic materials are even durable enough to be used for the framing components of your firewood shed.
How Should You Build Your Firewood Shed?
Your firewood shed doesn’t need to be fancy – just functional.
* NOTE: Depending on where you live, you may need a permit to build your firewood shed. Since different states have different building codes, make sure to check if you need a permit
Your firewood shed doesn’t need to be fancy, but it does need to be functional. Not only must your shed be able to shelter your wood from the rain and snow, it must also be ventilated enough to allow your wood to dry out and season properly. Your shed can be as simple as a covered structure that will keep your wood organized and protect it from getting wet. Just make sure that your shed can stand up to the elements.
Four Important Things to Keep in Mind When Building a Firewood Shed
- An elevated foundation will help keep your wood dry
- Lean-to builds are a popular choice for firewood sheds. If you choose to go this route, make sure than any open sides of the shed are protected from the wind and rain.
- A slanted roof will keep rain and snow from dripping into your shed and soaking your firewood. Plus, it will save you from having to shovel off a heavily snow-ladened roof top.
- Make sure that water does not collect under your shed, as this can affect your wood. Have the ground surrounding your firewood shed slant away from the shed in order to prevent this.
Are you thinking of trying your hand at building your own firewood shed? Do you have any more tips in mind? We’d love to hear from you!